To preserve, protect, and promote our history, culture, language, and homeland and to institute and demand official recognition of the governance (minority) rights necessary to accomplish our mission to take care of our community through collective efforts which will provide a healthy environment, care for the well beings of each person, and economic empowerment.
Gullah is a language. Geechee is a pidgin or dialect of the Gullah language which creates a bridge between the Gullah language and English. The citizens of the Gullah/Geechee Nation are "Gullah/Geechee." We have our own unique cultural heritage and traditions which include music, foodways, land use patterns, spiritual practices, and healing traditions. Tenk GAWD webe Gullah/Geechee Anointed People!
Queen Quet
Chieftess of the Gullah/Geechee Nation
Webe Gullah/Geechee Anointed Peepol! Lun mo bout who www.GullahGeecheeNation.com